Monday, January 24, 2011

Silver for the Pig

It all started with a promise of a Piggie bank... and then disaster! Broken, shattered, it was now no more than tiny fragments of a friend's love...

I never really had a chance to see it...

Then, out of nowhere, a suggestion and an idea appeared out of nowhere!

A mud pot! That's what I started out with.

This is what I started out with!

A little love and care added, quick drying clay here and there, a little paint to touch up and there it stood!

My very own home made Piggie!  :)  :)

The end product  :)

Mr. Piggie became pretty popular and pretty soon, I was on my way to thanking the friend who inspired me by making him a Piggie bank! This one had its own little laptop ( Sadly, I don't have a picture of it  :(  )

I'm starting on another one! Esther said she'd like a 'Jailbird Piggie'  x D
It sounded like a pretty cute idea so I decided to do it!! I will post the result when its done  :)

Thought I'd post some pictures of Mr. Piggie  :)   Esther clicked them  : D 

Mr. Piggie often dreams of the great outdoors!

Ellen enjoys 'feeding' Mr. Piggie

After a hard day's work, Mr. Piggie loves to cuddle up and sleep  ^.^

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cos Laughter is a Good Thing!

A friend of mine had recently posted it on his Facebook wall, and today, I find myself eagerly waiting for a new one every week!
What am I talking about? COMICSSSSSSSSS!!!!

I have vivid and delicious memories of slipping Archie comics behind School text books and reading them when lectures got... well, a little boring  : P  So Im a bit of a comic addict  (Geeky? GUILTY!!!)
I soon outgrew them and moved on to actually living life but once in a while, I do come across comic strips and my childhood creeps right back  : D

So I decided to share these webcomics in particular! They're from this site and are ADORABLE!!!  :)  

They are created by Evan Diaz. He comes out with a new one twice a week so YAY!!!! I decided to post a few of my favorites on our blog as well  : )

Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did  : D
P.S. I may have had to slice the comics into little bits cos they didn't really fit into the space on our blog  :(  Really sorry about that!  :(

I happen to be a HUGE WoW fan so I decided to post this one  : D


 And this one was just so DARN CUTE!!!


I kinda wanted to put these up too but since I couldn't, I'm just gonna link them!

Once again, be sure to visit the site! There are plently more where these came from  : D

Monday, January 10, 2011

Catch of the week

Ok, we're starting this new thing where we're gonna tell you guys about some of the awesome stuff we come across  :P

I really don't wanna brag but I'm an extreme shopaholic and don't really leave a place empty handed  :D
Esther says its a disgusting habit cos I end up buying stupid things like paper clips and multi- colored pens just for the heck if it when she believes the money should be saved for something more worth it or useful  O_o

Anyway, I'm dedicating a post every week to some of my awesomely useless finds  :D
Hope u guys enjoy it  :)

This week, I'd like to put up something I didn't buy!  :P  
A dear friend got this for me and personally I found it adorable  ^.^

Its basically made of thread with two little glass fish!!  :D  Its from Fabindia and costs somewhere around Rs. 235.

Well, Esther and I took this opportunity to shoot some crazy photographs! Here are some of the 'sensible' one  :D  :P

Okkk... I cant really seem to get this picture right side up so WHATEVER!!!! Esther is gonna HATE me for this!!!  ^.^   She basically had to squeeze into that tiny little space to capture some of the pictures  ^.^  

And that's about it  :D 
See you next week for another amazing find!