Saturday, October 23, 2010

In the beginning, there was nothing....

For a long time now we have wanted to get this blog going and hours after creating it we hit our first challenge- The First Article.

You know, the first thing you write should be something special! I believe that a good beginning is doing half the work (the same logic I apply while writing my answers in exam papers :P ). So it was kinda obvious to both of us that something out of this world had to be written… The question is WHAT?

You don’t just start a blog and immediately rush into talking about your opinion on the cool new place down the block which serves up king sized meals for practically nothing (or do you? I dunno -.- )... But for us that’s like pulling a stranger into your house and taking him up to your bedroom to check out your sock drawer (which unless you’re of your mind or all set to become the next Martha Stewart is TOTALLY uncalled for!).
And the weird part is we’ve never had problems figuring out what to write before!!! Thankfully inspiration is easily found within our four walls since at every given moment of time there’s always something amusing going on (compliments of our younger siblings!!)

So, why now?? Why writers block on the first article? I love reading, especially RAW articles, written by normal people who’ve had no training and who are just born with a gift of making people laugh food out their noses or cry as if they were attending their own funeral! Yet there I would always be, mentally criticizing them. There’s always the ‘This person could’ve said this and should’ve used this word instead’!
So here I am… Scared of other Esther’s around the world ready to mentally criticize me (very chicken I know -.-)

We all have to start somewhere, somehow… So I guess this could constitute as ‘Numero Uno’… Nothing special… This one will fit into the same shelf as most of the firsts I’ve gone through in our lives- The kind where u think of fireworks and rockets, end up with sparklers and then get on with it...