Wednesday, December 1, 2010

We are who we know (-.-)

Bonjour everyone,

Recently we heard a very colorful story from a friend of a friend of a friend of a certain friend who got a job having been turned down by companies nationwide, he finally decided to come back to his hometown, bow down to the evils of influence and acquire a JOB.

Influence is something very common in life…a certain someone of yours will always know a certain other someone who will be able to do wonders for you!! Let’s think of that someone as a magician, someone to make things happen when all seems dull and bleak…

‘Mom? I’ve travelled all over the country looking 4 a job, appeared for a million interviews and STILL haven’t got the dream job that allows me to be with the girl I love!!’

‘Don’t worry my son, remember that uncle of yours who once sold his sister- in- laws kidney in the black market and nearly joined forces with Bin Laden? Well, he knows a guy who knows a guy who can get u in somewhere here itself, u know how scared people here get when they find out he knows a terrorist! Tell your girlfriend not to start looking for someone new yet!’

N POOF!!! D magician uncle waves his magic wand (or influence) and the job is yours!!!

Good for u, u lazy piece of trash!!! I hope you’re proud of yourself… No wait, your uncle!!

So the story goes on like,
‘Hey uncle who I haven’t met in years n haven’t bothered calling cos I need all the balance I can get to spend on my over demanding girlfriend ( don’t tell her I said that) cos she needs to hear from me every second of every day or she’ll think I’m running after my ex again who btw, she’s facebook stalking!!’
‘OMG!!! I HAVE A NEPHEW????.. U sure you’re not an imposter trying to marry my divorced daughter?’
‘Ugh no! I’m as real as that German Shepard in your garage! OMG!!! Is that Spike??? He was just a baby when I came here last!!!’
‘Err… Well, yeah, that was 10 years ago, it’s called growing, I’m pretty sure you’ve noticed you’ve grown taller 2!’
N blah blah blah etc....

When influence is used by people who genuinely deserve it, it’s ok.. in situations where in
“ Baba, this is your grandmother…these people at the insurance company are taking years to process your dead grandfather’s files and I have no money to pay for all the medicines and food… please call someone and do something”.

I’m talking about the major LOOSERS who do d same, it just isn’t right! U get a high post when u really can’t handle the job n u end up disgracing yourself!! Wake up 2 d reality dude! Ur just not good enough! If u can’t get in properly, it means you’re not qualified for it! U need to take up jobs more suited to your speed (and your over demanding girlfriend).it’s not fair for all the people who have the actual capability, talent, experience etc…

And then we have the weirdo’s who use influence for totally rubbish reasons…
I often hear delightful stories of how certain teenagers aren’t afraid to do anything including speed racing with their latest bikes on the highway (drunk) at 140km/hr because they know people in high posts who can *DO SOMETHING or get them out of situations however tight they are..

N we all know the smaller cases wherein
“My son isn’t getting a seat in Goa Medical college because he’s a dunce but because me n my wife need to keep a name in the society I’m going to do whatever’s in my power, even if it calls for making a fake OBC/ST/SC certificate and robbing a really needy person of their seat”. This unfortunately happens a LOT  and works out pretty well because of heavy influence.

Thankfully people are noticing such things and taking strict actions…n in the cases of higher authority it’s no more, He’s a minister – let him get away with it..They like every other normal person are slowly getting their punishment according to their crimes. (*Power to the people  )

Sadly, influence is hardly something which can be eradicated so easily…too many people are involved and to a certain extent it will always be in use…and in cases like that of the grandmother, let me point out that there is no need for influence if the insurance company actually does its work efficiently…

So in the end we see, if there is any possibility that everyone in society behaves and functions according to his what his role requires, influence will die…until then, we will have to live with it..Just like we do with the hair on our toes.

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