Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fishy Talk ><.">

My dad and I had an interesting discussion today on aquarium fish  :) 

I recently developed my love for fish after visiting a pet store one day and emerging from with with a fighter fish in a plastic bag well hidden away in the sun hat I was supposed to be using  :P
I named him Percy and sadly, two months after that day, he died  :(  :(

                                              A blue Veil Tail Fighter Fish

Im pretty sure I inherited this love for fish from my dad. He used to love buying new fish, in particular, neon tetras and the gourami!!   :D

                                                      Neon Tetra

Now this gourami he owned had a particularly odd habit of swimming to the surface whenever my dad called his name and responded more to him than anyone else in the family! One day, my uncle happened to be on tank cleaning duty and as was the routine, he put the gourami into a bucket of water while he washed the tank.
Just then, my dad walked in to check on him but had hardly walked towards the bucket when my grandmother called out to him.
Meanwhile, the gourami, having heard his voice, swam to the surface once more and not seeing him there, resorted to other means ( in my opinion! ) 

He jumped out of the bucket and lay there till my dad found him... he died in my dads hands  :(  :(
Since then, dad has not even looked at another fish....

                                             An Opaline Gourami